

Web development projects I am working on or have built over the years. More will come.



UrbanChameleon.eu is an online platform to disseminate contemporary graffiti found along Vienna's Danube channel (Austria). Built with TypeScript, Next.js, and Cesium Technology, the platform relies on OpenAtlas and its CIDOC CRM ontology to provide a user-friendly interface for visualising, exploring, and searching graffiti and their metadata.

Key Features:

  • Interactive Graffiti Viewer using Resium
  • Dynamic Theme Switcher for light and dark modes
  • Adaptive Design for desktop and mobile devices
  • Built with Next.js, TypeScript, and integrated with the Resium library
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The INDIGO Graffiti Thesaurus, stored in this repository, organises graffiti-related concepts using a controlled vocabulary based on the SKOS data model. It links with resources like Wikidata and the Getty AAT, enhancing the depth of graffiti metadata.

Key Features:

  • Specialised tool for categorising graffiti-related concepts
  • Utilises SKOS data model for knowledge organisation
  • Interoperable with resources like Wikidata and the Getty AAT
  • Hosted by the Vocabs service of the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
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My personal portfolio website showcasing my work and projects in archaeology and illustration.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive portfolio of my archaeological work
  • Features sections detailing various projects and illustrations
  • Showcases a blend of professional and creative endeavors
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A JavaScript tool for converting LGO files to Agisoft format.

Key Features:

  • Converts LGO files to a format compatible with Agisoft
  • Facilitates efficient data processing in archaeological projects
  • Built with JavaScript for ease of use and accessibility
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The official blog for archaeoINK, focusing on topics like archaeology, illustrations, and scientific communication.

Key Features:

  • Covers a range of topics from archaeology to digital illustration
  • Platform for sharing knowledge and engaging with the community
  • Built using Next.js and TypeScript
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